Why Thermoplastic foam injection moulding?

Low pressure, high quality

One of the features of thermoplastic foam injection moulding is that it is a low-pressure process, providing a number of advantages compared to standard injection moulding. Plastic granulate and a blowing agent are injected together into a mould, then expanding to exactly to fit the desired shape. The result is a strong and stiff product without sink marks. This is ideal for products with thick walls such as housings for coffee machines or displays for medical equipment. Properties include high mechanical strength with a long-term guarantee of quality.

Advantages of thermoplastic foam injection moulding

  • Great degree of design freedom
  • No after-shrinkage or sink marks
  • Suitable for both large and small series
  • Delivery with one or more layers of coating
  • Wall thickness up to 40 mm possible!
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